#033 – Self-Respect: A Reminder to Be Better

Read time:  1 minute (quick hitter)

The way you demonstrate to an outside observer that you have self-respect is to outline your actions.

It’s not enough to tell them about your intentions and your plans and your goals, etc.

The only way is to show someone.

And similarly the only way to prove it to yourself is to show yourself.

You have to put the time in day after day.

You have to accumulate proof born of your consistency.

Too many clinicians don’t have self-respect in that they walk into work hoping to get the job done.

They hope to perform when the time comes.

But that is doing a disservice to both their patients and to themselves.

You can’t expect results you didn’t earn from work you didn’t do.

Respect yourself enough to create the conditions for success.


What have you learned this year? How have you improved? Have you taken the feedback you’ve received earnestly?

Have the self-respect to be a true professional and to take yourself seriously.

Lifestyle locum mercenary? – Great, be an excellent clinician, be a great teammate, add value wherever you go.

Full-time w2 employee? – Great, be an excellent clinician, be a great teammate, add value.

Whatever your lifestyle, you owe it to yourself to not waste your workplace interactions or your career mailing it in.

Life’s too short to be mediocre.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1) Let’s talk through what choosing your own path through medicine looks like. Over the phone, confidential, free:

2) Free Guides and Resources to Help You Reclaim Your Time and Autonomy:

3) Free Downloads and More:

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I made the leap to independent contract practice as a physician because I wanted to work less and have more time for my family. I want to help you reclaim your time and autonomy too.


When you’re ready here’s how I can help you:

Life's too short to be mediocre. Don't waste your own time - start taking yourself seriously.