#028 – There is No Secret

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A few years ago, I was standing in the same shoes that you might be wearing now.

I had heard rustlings of higher pay and a better schedule out there in the ether. 

But something like that was so foreign to what I was doing at the time that I could easily shake it out of my sight like a mirage.

But do you know why everyone you know works in the same way for the same pay?

It’s the same reason that you haven’t found a new job after years of complaining or dipped your toe into independent contracting or taken control of your life outside work.


You’re afraid to take the risk required to try something new.

But what’s worse is that you convince yourself that the proof required to stand pat is the observation that everyone around you stands with you.

They haven’t traded up for a better w2 job, they haven’t made the leap to contracting, and they haven’t cleaned up their diet, sleep, or habits.

Therefore making a change must be incredibly difficult.


What you don’t see is that everyone there shares the same fear.

This isn’t the first time we’ve discussed fear in the context of this Newsletter and it won’t be the last.

The reality is that most people don’t have a very good reason to do what they do or to think what they think.

They lack insight.

You don’t because you want more.

The promised land

So what’s the secret then?

Simple: there isn’t one.

There is no secret that is stopping your from getting what you want.

There is no magical threshold you have to cross to reach the promised land.

The only thing between you and where you want to be is to begin.

That’s it.

And guess what doesn’t count as beginning, what doesn’t count as shortening that distance between now and your future?

Answer: Reading newsletters and articles and forums on the internet. Neither does talking to your friends or spouse about it.

So go get started.

(Inspired by Chris Williamson on the Modern Wisdom Podcast.)

Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help:

1) Let’s talk through what choosing your own path through medicine looks like. Over the phone, confidential, free:

2) Free Guides and Resources to Help You Reclaim Your Time and Autonomy:

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I made the leap to independent contract practice as a physician because I wanted to work less and have more time for my family. I want to help you reclaim your time and autonomy too.


When you’re ready here’s how I can help you:

Most people don't have a very good reason to do what they do or to think what they think. You think you're so different? Then get started.